This was such an emotional, nuanced book. I struggle to review books like this, actually, because I feel like I can't really give them their due. Other bloggers very nicely put across how much a book affected them, and I feel like I can't do that as much. Writing really isn't my strong suit. But this book really makes you question lots of things. Rose was my age, and yet she's experienced a lot, lot more than I've ever experienced. I've had a pretty sheltered life compared to Rose, and it made me sad that we were of such a similar age and yet she'd lost her mother, her husband, so much. This is not a fun novel, so if you're expecting a happy read, go elsewhere. This book had its moments, and it's not all doom and gloom, but Rose is going through a tough time, and to see her at the worst of her grief really made it all the more worthwhile when she begins to see a bit of light at the end of her grief tunnel.
This is a really special book. Rose really got her way into my heart, as did the town of Tatling - and I really hope if Victoria writes more books, we might go there again, because it's the kind of place that really comes alive, that you can imagine living there, that sparks with life and character, and I can see why Rose stayed there, why Emma stayed there. It's the kind of town that feels like home, where everyone looks out for you and that's magical. The painting aspect of the book was amazing, too. I was desperate to own one of Rose's paintings! They sounded amazing, coming from someone who (like Lucas) can't even draw a stick person correctly. The paintings were so vivid in my mind.
The Second Love of my Life is one of those books that will stay with you long after reading. I loved the characters, and I liked Rob - although I guessed his secret, at least a portion of it. The tone of the novel was a heavy one, but like I said, it made Rose's journey seem all the better afterwards, because you get to see her go through the worst thing a person can go through, and I always admire characters who can go through that, because if I was in the same situation, I would just never leave my bed, and hide away from the world. You absolutely need to read this book, it was amazing.