Let me start with what worked for me:
- The mystery side to the plot was well done. I had lots of guesses and while I circled the right answers, I was kept constantly guessing.
- The characters were well-written and full. I really feel like I grew to know and care about the central characters - and there were quite a few of them! From the many sisters (7 still alive when the book starts, 12 total), the step-mom, the dad, the friend Fisher, and the love interest, I grew to have distinct feelings (not all positive) about all of them. So that was well done.
And what didn't work for me:
- I'll just wrap all the horror into one bullet point. I just don't think I'll ever understand the appeal or the need to get so graphically gross, bloody, and just well, horrific. But if that's your thing this book has it. I will say, it didn't overwhelm the book. There were really decent lengths with no horror, which is why I made it through.
- The setting in terms of time and location was really poorly defined and it really bugged me. It made understanding their world and what could/could not happen really hard to predict. I think that might have been part of the goal, to keep me on my toes, but I don't feel that providing a hard to understand world makes for a good mystery. While I knew we were in a sea-faring island, I couldn't tell what time period we were in and what sort of island it was meant to be for a quite some time It really impacted my reading of the book.
So, I think the best way to sum this book up is, if you like your mystery with a healthy helping of horror, you'll enjoy it quite a bit. I don't, so it was just okay.
Qualifies for COYER Fall Scavenger Hunt item #8 - Book for October COYER Book club.