You have to appreciate a book that will take you somewhere and describes it so vividly that you go, "Nope. I'm never gonna do that." Enjoy the View combines three things I hate heights, camping and hiking, mixes it with a great cast and gives us a really enjoyable story. And I am not kidding about the vividly, as River describes the views from the mountain and made me feel like I do on the fourth floor of the mall when I get too close to the railing. I do NOT like heights.
River Lane is a slightly successful actress turning 30, which puts her at the end of her career as a leading lady. River has decided that directing and production is where she wants her career to go next. But Hollywood doesn't have that many women directors and she needs something to help her get a break behind the camera. She and her crew have come to Moose Spring, Alaska to make a promotional spot for the Alaska Board of Tourism. Well, we know how much Moose Springs loves their tourists and River can't even find the Mayor to get her permits to film within the Town limits.
It is just Easton Lockett's bad luck to be the next person to ask River if she needs help as she walks along the road outside of town, unknowingly ruining River's filming and she lets out all her frustration with Moose Springs on him. Or maybe I should say it's Easton's good luck, since meeting River will be the best thing that ever happened to the big, quiet mountain man. Knowing the town as he does, Easton knows that Moose Springs will do whatever they can to stop someone from promoting the town and bringing in more of those hated tourists.
But when they come up with the idea to film a climb to the summit of Mt Veil, it is River's good luck to get the best man of the mountain as their guide, one Easton Lockett. Easton and River share a love for rock climbing and the outdoors and their feelings grow as try try to reach the summit but Mt. Veil is still a dangerous climb even during the Alaskan summer. It might be warm and sunny down in Moose Springs, but up on the Old Man you still need to worry about frostbite, avalanches or simply falling into crevices in the ice. River and her crew think the risks are worth the payoff if they can film a documentary to sell to the tourism board. But the closer they get to the summit, the more the dangers become real and River has to decide if her future as a director is worth the lives that could be lost on the mountain.
Author Sarah Morganthaler uses great characters to give us a fun story which has a real underlying sense of danger. You hear stories of how people die on Mt. Everest every year (which is Easton's dream climb) but along the climb up Mt. Veil Easton gives us an outline of the true dangers which River and her crew face while climbing even a smaller mountain like our fictional Mt. Veil. It is pretty daunting and while River and her crew are experienced rock climbers, they are so busy filming the scenes around them, they don't always appreciate the real danger they are climbing onto.
I liked Easton and his twin sister, Ash, from the first story and this story certainly cemented my appreciation for the large, quiet mountain man,and I am not the only one since a marmot starts following them up the mountain trying to snuggle up to Easton. I hope the next story features prickly sister, Ash.
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