Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews
Written on May 11, 2016
If I'm going to be honest, I could really have cared less if I ever found out what happened to Caleb and Camille, they were characters I would not waste my time on in real life and despite their great life's work of art I really didn't see what the big deal was about. It was Annie and Buster who I most cared to read about, how their screwed up childhood affected them and how they were developing into adults. Because of this I enjoyed seeing Child A and Child B shed the exteriors Caleb and Camille had perfected and in how ever messed up it was coming into their own.
When I look back The Family Fang was one big scavenger hunt, piecing together a menagerie of a story. Kevin Wilson has written an art piece that was excentric, originally creative and makes you want to get up and move.