Written on Mar 28, 2012
Review here: http://booksofamber.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/rivals-by-lauren-kunze-and-rina-onur.html
I'm not sure where this book rates in the series so far, because I absolutely love every single one of them. I'm not sure if I ever want this series to end.
I love Callie and her character growth since the first book has been amazing. I can't wait to see where she goes in the future.
I won't spoil you on what happens between the characters, but I love what happened with several of the relationships in this book. The characters that I hated turned out to be the bad guys, which was awesome because it kind of gave me an excuse to want to kill them. I absolutely love Gregory, and I am dying to know what happens with him in the next book.
As always, I love the little sections from the magazines that were at the beginning of each chapter. They were hilarious, and I really like trivia like this.
This is a great spring and summer read, especially as all the characters went away for Spring Break and we got to see what they got up to then. After the ending of this, I am now SO BLOODY EXCITED for the next book. Is it the final one? I don't know, but I certainly hope not.