Written on Jun 5, 2016
Three Black Witches are born in a glen.
Sweet little triplets
Will never be friends.
Three Black Witches, all fair to be seen.
Two to devour,
And one to be queen.
Once upon time, on the twisted island of Fennbirn, there was a queen, who had triplet girls. The triplets were separated after 6 years, and sent to live with families, that would cultivate their gift. Upon their 16th birthday, the girls would commence fighting for the crown, and this will be a fight to the death. (Hunger Games - family edition)
Where do I start! The story was so captivating. Kendare had me hooked immediately. I was very pleased with the pacing, and liked how the story rotated. Each Queen is kept at a different location on the island for most of the book, therefore, when the location rotated, we got a glimpse into each of the Queen's lives. This really kept the story moving.
The characters. Kendare did such a good job creating these characters, who had multiple layers. I would get a clear picture of who this Queen was, and then another facet of her would be revealed. I appreciated the complexities. I also loved that the story incorporated the Queens' friends/supporters. They were an important part of the story, and played a much larger role than I had originally anticipated.
This book has action, adventure, magic, murder, friendship, political power plays, romance. It even has romance. This is where it got sticky too. There is a boy for each Queen, a love triangle, suitors, affairs. So much here. AND after that plot twist on the last page, my excitement for this series was solidified.