Written on Dec 24, 2018
Book content warnings:
abuse (sexual, relationship - mostly or all in the 2nd part)
in-book racism - including brownface (2nd part)
In summary: this book could be described as one girl's incredible gay awakening after seeing a woman dressed in trousers performing at the theatre.
It's of course, a lot more complicated than that, a book in three parts involving gender identity, "crossdressing", renting, etc. all set in 1890's London. Nan King, an oyster girl in the small town of Whitstable, sees the theater act of Kitty Butler, and her life changes forever. Kitty, dressing in trousers and men's suits, acts and sings "like a man", and Nan is entranced by her. Soon, she and Kitty become a double act in London, both singing in trousers, and begin a romantic affair offstage.
Sarah Waters's writing is incredible and addicting. Even when I wasn't always pleased or enchanted by the story itself the writing was enough to carry me forward. The first part was very entertaining, but the second and third parts weren't as thrilling - but I never really put aside the book for something else. Honestly ... if the book were written by someone else, I think I would have put it down. I'm not one who reads a book for sexy scenes to be honest, and I'm pretty sure the second part had more erotic scenes than not, so if not for the good writing I would have DNF'd the book.
Anyway, it's a pretty good read for the writing and the sheer amount of help it gave me (lmao) as a baby lesbian, but the story itself didn't give me any real satisfaction.