Written on Nov 1, 2007
Imagine leading a plain, normal strict...Read more
My heart complete breaks and repairs through this book. This story is told giving perspective into many of the characters lives and it makes you look back on your own with perspective.
Imagine leading a plain, normal strict life, yet having a desire for a man you know will not receive approval in the eyes of your family your people and struggling to find a way. Then as everything looks like it will work out just find, you're raped by a stranger and nobody believes you. Then when you finally accept the reality of a pregnancy, you lose that too. Only through the grace of God can life be repaired.
Usually I despise books that leave things wanting, but this book was perfect. It ended at just the right time and I look forward to reading a sequel [b:When The Morning Comes|633044|When the Morning Comes (Sisters of the Quilt, book #2)|Cindy Woodsmall|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1320562291s/633044.jpg|2294666].
Imagine leading a plain, normal strict life, yet having a desire for a man you know will not receive approval in the eyes of your family your people and struggling to find a way. Then as everything looks like it will work out just find, you're raped by a stranger and nobody believes you. Then when you finally accept the reality of a pregnancy, you lose that too. Only through the grace of God can life be repaired.
Usually I despise books that leave things wanting, but this book was perfect. It ended at just the right time and I look forward to reading a sequel [b:When The Morning Comes|633044|When the Morning Comes (Sisters of the Quilt, book #2)|Cindy Woodsmall|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1320562291s/633044.jpg|2294666].