Written on Jan 31, 2011
From: Leah
Subject: Holly’s Inbox
Dear Readers,
Have you met Holly? She works as a receptionist for a big firm in London, despite the fact she has little experience. Her entire life is conducted through her inbox, offering an insight not many books are able to pull off. As she navigates her new waters, making new friends, getting back in touch with old ones, we get to see what it’s really like to work for a big firm. Throw in a couple of secrets Holly’s keeping and life is about to get a lot more interesting as they threaten to be let out.
I think that if you haven’t already met Holly, my fellow Chick Lit fans, then I think you really should. Only, it has to be said, if you’re a fan of books told entirely via email. The book came to life after the success of the website http://www.hollysinbox.com which is set up like a real email inbox, honestly, it’s brilliant and you can actually read the entire book on the site. At least I think you can, so please don’t hold it against me if you can’t. The book is fiction, and it was revealed a while back that the author is actually Bill Hutton-Surie, but never fear the book is based on Bill’s own experience.
Now, dear readers, I know what you’re thinking: How are you supposed to get to know a character through emails? For me, that’s easy because you can learn a lot about a character not only through their own emails but through that of their friends. So although I didn’t know what Holly looked like, I was able to know her through the emails she sent and through her friends and family. Along with Holly we also meet her two best friends Aisha and Jason, along with Holly’s completely madcap family and believe me, they are utter nutters, Holly’s family.
Holly’s Inbox is a book you should be reading – or a website you should be visiting, there’s no doubt about that. I fell in love with her, and you will as well. The book is an absolutely mammoth 700 pages but don’t let that fool you, the pages whizz by so fast you’ll barely believe the speed with which you finish the book. I started reading it and the next time I checked my page count I was 100 pages in. I like it when a book can capture you so easily and I’ll be buying the sequel there’s no doubt about it. I don’t know what you’re doing still reading my email to you, readers, you should be buying this book immediately.
Love Leah xxx
PS: If you’re looking to buy me a present for bringing you this brilliant book, I like more books! Thanks!