Written on Dec 24, 2019
"It's the accident season, the same time every year. Bones break, skin tears, bruises bloom."
A few of my scattered thoughts about a book that scattered my thoughts:
★ Interesting premise, poor execution.
★ The best aspects in The Accident Season - the eerie atmosphere, whimsical tone and a sense that something just isn't right.
★ The mystery aspect is extremely confusing.
★ This is a perfect October or Autumn read.
★ I love found families, quirky and unique characters and close bonds, but I felt indifferent towards the characters in The Accident Season. They felt so distant.
★ The writing is beautiful.
★ I've been looking for a magical realism book to love, but maybe the genre just isn't my cup of tea.
★ It's not The Accident Season, it's me.
"Accidents happen. Our bones shatter, our skin splits, our hearts break. We burn, we drown, we stay alive."