Quirky Cat
Written on Feb 1, 2013
All of our favorite characters are back for round two, as well as the introduction of a bunch of new secondary characters to gap and laugh at. It’s a blast all around, and one I think everyone should experience at least once.
I always forget how this novel begins, which is actually quite wonderful, because it never fails to shock and amuse me. I sincerely believe that The Restaurant at the End of the Universe probably has the best intro of the series, but then again maybe I’m forgetting all the other good intros! I guess I’ll have to keep reading/listening my way through the series to be sure.
There were so many highlights during this novel, it makes me wish all over again that the movie had gotten a sequel or two (simply because that was quite well done, and I’d love to see some of these scenes on the big screen). I know there’s some hope/talk about turning this series into a TV show, so cross your fingers and toes (and hope they pick a good director!).
Listening to the audiobook format of The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is really quite an experience. I didn’t think I could possibly enjoy this novel more (except of course it was turned into a movie of similar quality to The Hitchhiker’s Guide), but I was wrong. Having Martin Freemen do the reading was the cherry on top. Hearing his interpretations for each character was actually pretty interesting. In some ways I think I like his impression of Zaphod better than the one I pictured; he’s still a party boy type, but he’s got a rougher and more callous edge to him that is actually shockingly accurate. Of course you can imagine how he portrayed Arthur; at least you can if you’ve seen the movie.
I’m looking forward to listening to Life, the Universe, and Everything, especially since it is also read by Martin Freemen. In fact, I think I’ll go start that one now…
For more reviews, check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks