Written on Oct 12, 2015
There's a family reunion happening in Morganville, and the guests are most unwelcome. First, Claire's parents have moved to town, giving her one more thing to worry about. Secondly, Amelie's father is in town, along with two other vampires, and he's shaking things up. He may well in fact destroy Morganville unless the citizens (alive and undead) can band together to stop him. They say the enemy of your enemy is your friend, but where everyone is your enemy, how do you choose who to trust?
I love how we get to know Michael a lot better in this book. He went from the super gorgeous, mysterious guy to the super gorgeous, talented, amazingly sweet, protector. We also get to see some weakness and vulnerability as he tries to come to terms with who he is, and struggles to hang on to his humanity. Shane on the other hand is still a grump. I do like how he's making an effort with Michael, and that he's continuing to restrain himself with Claire, but he's not the same funny guy from the first book. It looks like Morganville is finally getting to him.
This installment of the series is super action packed and fast paced. Everything is building up to the feast honoring Bishop who is possibly the most powerful vampire ever. No one is safe, not even his own kind. There's a cliffhanger at the end, and I don't have the next book handy! I need to know what happens to Myrnin and Shane! Does Bishop succeed? Can Amelie beat her father at his own game? When will Claire and Shane finally go all the way? Will Oliver (or anyone) kill off Monica?!
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.