Terri M. LeBlanc
Written on Sep 2, 2016
Oh, MAC2, you and your freebie table introduced me to at least one new author and her crazy world of zombies who work in a morgue that now I’m afraid that I might be changing my opinion on zombies.
My Life as a White Trash Zombie by Diana Rowland was simply a delight to read. I was surprised by how much I liked it and by how fast I read it. I’m sure if I had started it on the weekend, it would have been finished in one day.
I identified with Angel and her struggle to make a better life for herself. I’m almost certain when she set that goal it didn’t involve being turned into a zombie first, but those are the breaks. Angel is smart cookie with a lot of attitude. And since this book takes place in Louisiana, I couldn’t help but wondering what would happen if Angel ran into Sookie, Eric and Bill.
While the mystery and its reveal did fall a bit flat and felt hidden behind Angel’s drive to find out who changed her and why, I did enjoy this novel and will probably keep an eye out for the other books in the White Trash Zombie series at the library when I need a light quick read after some of the heavier books I tend to gravitate towards.
This review was originally posted on Second Run Reviews