Written on Mar 20, 2016
I love second chance romances, because our characters come with a history together. I really enjoyed when Andrews looks us for those walks down memory lane, and we had the opportunity to see Mason and Anna Jane's love story unfold. On the flip side, it was sad to see it fall apart. But that moment! That moment, when she realized she was not over him, and that moment, when he realized he was not over her. I live for those moments.
The story was cute and fun. Lots of sweet parts, and many funny parts. I found that I could not help but smile every time Sophie was around. We also had the stuff, which I do not seek out, but I throughly enjoy -- the "soapy" bits. This story had not one, but two villains (maybe more), and lots of over the top stuff that you can't turn away from. I loved the southern "charm", and the denizens of this world.
The voice actor was excellent, and did a great job conveying the appropriate tone, as well as doing a nice job with changing her voice up to portray different characters.
I will definitely check out more of Mary Kay Andrews' work based on the this experience.