Written on Oct 10, 2021
I'm actually shocked I hadn't read this book, I thought I had - but I found it on my Kindle and it turned out - nope...I hadn't!
I don't have that much experience with M/M books, K. Webster is basically the only author I have ever read this category by. So def give me some recommendations in the comments if you have some favourites! ;)
This is such a wonderful M/M book. It's got heartache, humour, it's sexy as frack and will def. scorch your sheets.
This is an enemy to lovers sort of - because well, they are best friends turned enemies.
It's a really beautiful story about acceptance, growth, discovery and finding out that sometimes things aren't black and white. Sometimes we are more than labels. And that is also OK.
It is in fact possible to be in love with your male friend, but not find other men attractive. And that's also OK.
The brain is a beautiful place people, and 'Wicked Lies Boys Tell' shows us the ups and downs of coming to terms with a lot of these things.
We also see a beautiful friendship between many people and ofc. what would we not have if not some biggit villains as well.
I had tears in my eyes in this book because it's emotional, and K. Webster is a very talented author who writes really really well. She really gets in between your cracks with her material and makes you really feel the characters in her book.
It's also a book with great humour so I laughed quite a lot and I smiled quite a lot.
I think I went through all the 5 phases here in this book. hehe.
All in all, I highly recommend it if you like M/M books with a wonderful HEA. 3