Una serie delirantemente divertida. Únete a las aventuras de la comunidad de vecinos más loca y chismosa que puedas imaginar. Porque todo es mejor cuando estamos... Juntos y revueltos. Cuando quieres estar cerca de alguien, ser solo su vecina puede no ser suficiente. ¿Cuál es la orientación sexual de Óscar Casanovas, el nuevo inquilino del 4º, y por qué parece divertirse confundiendo a los vecinos al respecto? Esa es la nueva duda que tiene en un sinvivir a los miembros de la comunidad d...
An Uncommon Whore Story Pasha is a slave, whoring for travelers at the most treacherous bar on Warlan. The day Pasha spots the dangerous pirate in the bar, he knows he mustn't let the stranger slip away, no matter what he must do to draw his attention. Captain Griffin Hawke spent the better part of a decade searching for his lost king, only to find Helios Dayspring crouched between his legs, swathed in the robes and shackles of a whore. Though he is appalled by the downfall of his king, Grif fal...
A beautiful Cupid, a runaway arrow, and a love that defies the stars…Hannah is the number one Cupid on Archer Island six years running. She is beautiful, confident, and she never misses her mark. Ever. But on one fateful day, with her magical arrows drawn on two would-be office lovers, the unthinkable happens. Hannah misses hersecond mark, and she only has seventy-two hours to fix the mishap.Payson Martin’s life is as unfulfilling as her job at a Las Vegas TV station. When a temp is suddenly ass...
Five years ago, Benji Green lost his beloved father Big Eddie when his truck crashed into a river. Everyone called it an accident, but Benji knows it was more. Even years later, he's buried in his grief, throwing himself into managing Big Eddie's convenience store in the small-town of Roseland, Oregon. Surrounded by his mother and three aunts, he lives day to day, struggling to keep his head above water. But Roseland is no ordinary place. With ever more frequent dreams of his father's death an...