As I was born in 1980 but I always wanted to be a bonafide hippie from the ’70s, I love to read books such a The Wrong Kind of Women that gives me an insight into what life may have been different if I had been born a decade earlier.
The husband of Virginia drops dead from an arynusim, and from there, the story takes us through different plot lines to show how each deals with that aftermath.
I was sad to realize that when I studied feminism in college, I had not thought about it since that alone is a huge privileged view. In The Wrong Kind of woman, the Author Sarah McCgrow, aims to take us all back in time for the second wave of Feminism. Since I was not yet born, I have to take it in good faith that what I have heard about that Era of feminism is that I liked this book because everything feels like it really could happen. It felt very authentic.
The book The Wrong Kind of women is so slooow at the beginning. To be honest with you, I was about to DNF the whole book, then I got to the middle part, and I am so glad that I did not give up…
I have no idea WHY I do not think of a boys-only College. It nugs my feminist side that boys maybe received a better education than I did. I can see how the whole scene is set up what the author is doing. At first, it seems like 6 different stories in one book, but all of the loose ends are tied up nicely at the end.