Written on Mar 18, 2015
My Review:
I picked up this book at BEA in 2014 and loved the cover and the synopsis was so interesting I knew that I had to read it soon. Well it took me longer than I would have liked but I am so glad I read it.
Charlie (Charlotte) can be a tad bit annoying but I honestly loved her. I felt for her and everything that was happening, I can feel her confusion and knew she loved her family and just wanted them back with her. Her relationship with her mom and brother was sweet so when they go missing I felt her pain of missing them and wanting them back with her when she finds out secrets of who she is and what has happened. Seth is a cutie, very serious and protective of Charlie. The story had a hint of a love triangle Keiran seemed to hang around or show up when Charlie and Seth were together but you can tell that Seth and Charlie were just meant for each other even if in the realm of Ellauria is was not allowed for them to be dating. As much as I liked Keiran I just felt that Seth was the one for her however I adored both boys. Lulu is one of the fairies I would have loved a little more of her, she was super friendly and very cute. Clara was just a jerk, I could have done without her however she made for an interesting mean fairy.
The story is different and so beautifully told with an amazing amount of world build. As you read you can actually picture the places the characters go. The Between is a magic realm created my Mother Nature it holds the purest of magic and all the those creatures in the world that we think we see are actual creatures. Ellauria is a realm of magical beings like Fairys, Elfs, Leprechauns, Etc.. they all live here to keep from being seen by humans. If one of the creatures are seen then a group of people called the fellowship find the person who saw them to discredit what they saw so the people of Ellauria can stay hidden. So that guy who took a picture of the Loch Ness monster well he probably did see him but the fellowship made sure it appeared to be not true. I loved how the world was explained and how everything works. Whalen was once a member of the original people who created Ellauria and he was out to destroy the Between. I was not a fan of him and I’m pretty sure I wasn’t suppose to like him either. He wasn’t in the book that much but mentioned a lot. However I was fine with not having him in the book that much because he seemed like a scary guy. The story wasn’t slow at all it flowed very nicely and when I thought it was starting to get just a little slow it picked right back up. I had a hard time putting this one down and the end was a little quick but it answers all the questions I had and it really was exciting.
I gave The Between 4.5 stars because Charlie had a tab bit of a listening issue and she was a little stubborn, as much as she was a great character when someone tells you to run, you run. This is my first book from Megan Whitmer and I don’t expect it to be my last. I do hope this book will have a number two but either way I enjoyed it very much and this it is a great read if you are looking for something a little different with a wonderful world build.
Thank you so much for stopping by to check out my review
Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!