Amy Wilde is a tough Yorkshire girl, who spends her days gardening and designing gardens in a bid to one day keep bees. The only posh bits about her are the parties she’s invited to by her best friend and flatmate Jo and even then, she absolutely detests having to make small talk. So when Jo throws a party in their flat one evening, she’s surprised to find herself chatting to Leo, a beautiful blonde with a wicked smile and an easy talker. She’s astounded when she finds out he’s a prince – of Nirona – and she finds herself quickly falling for him. Beautiful dinners in his home garden, nights out at the theater… It all seems too good to be true, and as Amy finds her life to be scrutinised more and more she can’t help asking herself if it’s all worth the risk?
The Runaway Princess is a brilliant novel. You’ve already heard about my reservations re Browne’s writing and worrying the whole posh bit isn’t really for me, and that Hester Browne’s books do seem to be a bit more upper class than I usually read, but I was entirely wrong and I prejudged both Hester and her novels and for that I do apologise. Look what I’ve been missing out on by worrying she’s not the author for me! If the caliber of The Runaway Princess is anything to go by, then I need to snap up all of her other novels yesterday. I absolutely adored the book. Seriously, it’s one of my favourites this year. One of my favourites possibly ever. Amy is such a wonderful character and Leo is such a catch – honestly, he may be just a character but he took my breath away as well – and the whole girl-meets-prince-literally can never, ever be an overdone concept. Especially when the prince isn’t like most princes. He’s just like a regular person who happens to be a prince (and sure, sure, maybe all princes say that, but not Leo. Oh, Leo).
The story was brilliant and I liked that there was a secret side to Amy (and boy, did that turn out to be a shock!!). I liked the look in to the royals of Nirona, I thought they were a very charming bunch, except maybe Sofia and even Rolf. God, Rolf. What a skeeze. Amy’s two best friends Jo and Ted were so cool and even Amy’s dog, Badger felt like a mega major character even if he was just a dog. The whole book just astounded me. The writing was the best bit, without a doubt. Browne has this really easy style, reminiscent of Kinsella actually, that just flows. You just keep reading and reading and reading and you don’t ever want to stop. I actually read this whilst on the plane from Tenerife to England and it really helped the hours fly by because let me tell you, plane journeys are arduous and long and seem even longer just because you’re stuck in a seat for hours straight, but The Runaway Princess helped that. I had The Script in my ears and The Runaway Princess for my eyes and it was bliss. I loved it, and you will love it too, because it’s amazing.