Written on Jul 12, 2013
It took about a half a chapter for me to know I was going to love this book. I'm really trying to find the words to explain. I seriously LOVED it. One of my all time favorite books. This one book has everything humor, Sarcasm, Sword Fights, Murder Mystery, Ghost Story, Monsters, Romance and the best part the Hero is a girl and she's a fierce assassin.
I WANT TO BE AN ASSASSIN!!!! Well not really but If I could be something it would be AN ASSASSIN!!! (Ninjas have nothing on Assassins)
The story begins in the Mines of Endovier. Celaena Sardothien was captured and banished to the mines. Abused and neglected she is eventually taken out by the Crown Prince Dorian and Chaol Westfall, Captain of the Royal Guard, to escort her to the castle to compete in a competition to become the Kings Champion if she wins she will service the crown for a couple years as the kings personal assassin and in return will be granted freedom.
Celaena's character was fantastic. Funny, Badass, passionate and believe it or not she had a very big heart. As much as she was a kick ass assassin on the outside you can tell she really just wanted to be a normal girl and live a normal life but circumstances didn't allow that to happen. Her parents died when she was young and she was taken in by the King of the Assassin's, Arobynn Hamel, who taught her everything she knows, making her Adarlan most notorious Assassin and she's only eighteen.
The Crown Prince of Adarlan Dorian is a very handsome, well put together and very charming. He is also quite the bookworm. He will at some point become King but he finds Celaena to be more then just an assassin. He is drawn to her and wants to get to know her and spend more time then the king would like. However he was not my favorite.
Chaol Westfall, Captain of the Royal Guard totally made my book boyfriend in this book, He is handsome, protective, dreamy and strong, He can guard me any day. He was funny, sarcastic, did I mention handsome? (oh ya, I did) ***sigh***
Celaena has some great interactions with all the characters; she becomes quite friendly with Princess Nehema of Eyllwe and the princess is a lot more than what she seems. It was great to see her bonding with someone after being alone for so long. Plus she was a great secondary character.
Her relationship with Dorian and Chaol was FANTASTIC!!! I seriously loved it the banter was great and at some points very funny. Did I mention I Loved Chaol ;)?
100% TEAM CHAOL!!!!!!
The Competition is a series of tests and the last man (or woman) standing would become the Kings Champion. Each competitor is has a different background and each one has a different skill but something is killing them one by one and Celaena is determined to find out what is causing the death of these men.
This causes a series of events and discoveries about what is really going on. Fae magic and any magic for that matter has disappeared from the world anyone possessing magic is killed. Once the king comes into power he did away with magic and most of the Fae have gone into hiding or were killed.
Soon Celaena finds herself in a hidden room and confronted by the first queen of Adarlan. Who asked her to win the competition no matter what and help the people of the kingdom? Can she? or is her freedom more important? and how will she handle her feeling for both Chaol and Dorian?
The story is original; fast paced and kept you reading way past your bedtime. I get a feeling when I read books like these, it's an excited feeling in my tummy that makes me smile at how much I know I will love this book. It did not disappoint. This series will go very far and will be one of those books that everyone will be dying to read.
I really LOVED this book I cannot wait to read the next one. I am not only going to recommend this book but I am going to TELL you, you MUST READ IT. You will not be disappointed. I have added this to my favorites.
I cannot wait to read more from Sarah J Maas if this is her debut book. I can’t even imagine what she will come out with next besides book #2
And Speaking of Book 2.. I was approved on Netgalley **book shimmy**
So now I’m off to read Crown of Midnight Book #2 :)