Written on Sep 6, 2011
In Watcher in the Woods the King family is still looking for the abducted Mrs King. She is pulled through one of the portals in their attic, transporting her to somewhere in human history.
Mr Liparulo just doesn't give these teenagers a break. The two main characters are like twelve and fifteen (or something), yet they have to survive insane hardship. They are thrown in arenas, battle with tigers, see the horrors of world wars. They see death every day, they get hurt. They lie and go behind their father's back, time and time again.
And to what point? All the hurt and darkness, what does it lead to?
A cliffhanger. A friggin cliffhanger.
No resolution, nothing to make you slightly feel better. So I am giving up on this series. I have absolutely no drive to continue reading, to get yet another cliffhanger.
I wouldn't recommend these books for your child. There are more than enough young-adult books that have the same amount of action, yet do not drive you around aimlessly.