Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews
Written on Mar 22, 2015
The opening scene with Jane Grey at the block really caught my attention, holding me in suspense despite knowing the outcome and set a firm tone to the novel.
Like Queen's Gambit, Sisters of Treason was visually stunning and could clearly see the story that was playing out.
The Sisters in question were well built and instantly felt for them, I particularly liked Mary, she was the tortoise of the childhood fable that everyone just has to route for. Kathrine on the other hand is the hare, hurrying to advance without thought to consequences and gets lost in the excitement.
The Queen is a nasty piece of work. A royal I liked to dislike but kept you on the edge of your toes as just when you thought she would grow a heart she twists the knife in deeper and puts salt in your wounds.
Not Fond Of
There was a little more than just Sisterly Love going on between Jane Seymour and Catherine Grey and felt it was unnecessary and irrelevant to the plot.
Catherine's time in the tower (when told by her) dragged and became a bit repetitive. While it was an "oh no" time in the book one can only pace around a room so many times.
Levina, while like the rest of this cast of characters is well developed but I thought she distracted from the Grey's story as they were the ones I was most interested in.
Final Thoughts
Sisters of Treason was a well thought out, plotted book with fantastic pacing. It is another great read from Elizabeth Fremantle and a must for fans of the Tudor era.