In the mood for the book form of a sitcom? You can't go wrong with Jennifer Crusie.
Getting Rid of Bradley is about as far from reality as you can get without actually veering into Science Fiction or Fantasy. Lucy has just divorced Bradley after catching him in her house with a blonde. Zach is a cop of the reckless, gorgeous variety chasing down an elusive embezzler and suspects her ex-husband might be who he's after. Hilarity and romance ensues amid bullets and bombs. Oh, and dogs. There are a lot of dogs.
I love Crusie's writing because she creates great characters, the kind I'd enjoy being friends with, and because she always catches my funny bone in just the right spot. Not laugh-out-loud funny a la Evanovich, but consistently humorous and entertaining. No dark, heavy, emotional moments are going to be found between the covers of this book; just a lot of wildly improbable action, witty dialogue, and a smattering of sex and romance.
I won't call Getting Rid of Bradley one of her best, but it is one I've enjoyed reading more than once and I know I'll enjoy reading again.