Written on Sep 2, 2013
So I thought that the demon in the first book was disturbing, but really, that one has nothing on the monster stalking the citizens of Davillon in False Covenant. No one knows exactly what he/it is, so they call him/it Iruoch, after a common children's tale. Iruoch is manlike but with gaunt features and fingers like spider legs. It also sucks people dry. The monster also seems to be followed by a chorus of invisible children. I don't know about you all, but anytime children are involved in a horror story, I'm immediately terrified. If this were a movie, I'd have to change the channel. The author really outdid himself with this villain. Not only is Iruoch absolutely terrifying, but he's an extremely tough opponent that Widdershins' can't handle on her own, even with the help of her personal god. That final battle scene was a nailbiter (if I bit my nails)!
While I quite enjoyed this demonic plot along with the accompanying religious intrigue (if you want to call it that), I was less impressed with the other, smaller plotline happening. After the events of Thief's Covenant, Widdershins has inherited the tavern, The Flippant Witch. It's not doing so well, since Shins it certainly not a business woman. Then a mysterious male appears and is not only trying to take the tavern from her, but challenge her to a duel hoping to remove her from the picture permanently! This story isn't in the forefront for very long, which I was glad, since it added very little to the overall story. It just seemed like one more worry for Widdershins to deal with on top of being accused of murder...again, while also avoiding being murdered herself.
I'm definitely enjoying this series! Widdershins seems to get herself into trouble a lot, since she's always in the wrong place at the wrong time. She's also made quite a few enemies in her years as a thief, who want nothing more than to bring her down a notch or two. The ending of False Covenant is a little open ended, but not in a cliffhanger sort of way. It's clear that Widdershins has some stuff she needs to deal with, but there are certainly more adventures awaiting her outside of Davillon.
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.