Written on Mar 20, 2019
I did like Claire, winning the lottery she had the freedom to purchase the ruin she had spotted and fallen in love with. However, her Aunt Clarissa gives her a warning before she goes..see what the author did there!
The bravery she shows is immense, from giving up sticks to move somewhere where she knows nobody, to buying this ruin and then to deal with spirits who just do not want her presence there! I loved learning the backstory of the ruin in comparison to the present day story. She has so much strength and fight against these spirits, I would like to think I would do the same as Claire but I think I may have ran….and a long time ago too!
The backdrop of Fuerteventura for this story was just exquisite, with the local cafes, the volcano and the heat. All descriptions adding to this story building a wider picture of where Claire is and the history. To mix it in with the supernatural too was just delicious and cleverly done and adds a lot of tension in the book because it was so contrasting.
You feel you could be in the sunshine enjoying the sights with the vivid descriptions. I wanted the little garden that Claire started to create before it all kicked off! You can, however, keep the ruin and the darkness thank you!
This is my first read of Ms Blackthorn, but after reading this, getting a taste of her writing, I can safely say it will not be my last outing!