Written on Oct 10, 2014
As we have started to gather more and more I Can Read, leveled readers I have been anxious to see what I would find in a Level 3 "Reading Alone" with "complex plots for confident readers". My first experience is absolutely a positive one! [b:It's Christmas!|5470654|It's Christmas!|Jack Prelutsky|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348629366s/5470654.jpg|2046841] is slightly longer than your average 32 page early reader at 47 pages and while it it not exactly a plotted story, this is a book of poetry that is just grand for the new reader. Every few pages has a cute and quaint poem filled with Christmas cheer that is sure to provide a poem for every reader. Using traditions for Christmas, both Santa and Jesus included in various ones as well as baking festivities, snow covered or no sleds involved, city or country and suburb there is a bit of it all.
14 sweet, silly, funny poems for newly independent readers. Text copyright 1983. Ages 4 to 8, Grades K to 3 from Greenwillow Books.