Romance Schmomance
Written on Mar 9, 2014
Caroline - she's smart, keeps to herself, has a great best friend ( Teddy ), and loving parents. She doesn't quite fit in and is just trying to find out where she fits, which also plays into the story, she's a little more than just human.
Devilyn - he's a complete jerk in the beginning of the book! I've seen this situation in other YA books, keeping the jerk-tude because they are better off without the other. I never liked that logic, yes I get, but still, dislike dislike dislike.
Teddy - I liked Teddy and for once it was a love triangle. I just hate love triangles in general, so that was refreshing to see that his role was solely to be THE best friend and nothing more. I just wish his character flowed in a bit more, instead of just popping up here and there. And he's not overbearing, so that's a major like from me!
Odin - I keep thinking of Thor, when I see that name! I love this man, he's sweet, caring and very loving! You can see how much he cares about Devilyn and he just says the right things, it seems impossible to mad at this man.
There are a few characters I could talk about, but I don't want to say too much.
To me the pace of their relationship was great, granted it was more of a push-push-little pull situation for about 80% of the book, but I didn't mind it too much. And I'm always a fan of different POVs it always saves my questions in the end. Another reason why it got the 3.5 rating was because of that ending, cliffhanger is one thing, but that little extra thing (you know what I'm talking about Abedi) was something that had me yelling & screaming. I'm probably a little bit too sensitive about that situation since the previous book I finished ended the same way! IT'S NOT FAIR ....
With that being said, I did truly enjoy this book and I look forward to the next installment ... that ending will give quite the hangover!