Stray Magic had me confused initially. I felt dropped into a story in progress, but it said book 1 one of the series. After the first chapter though, I was settling into the story pretty well and found several things I really liked:
- Unique world: its modern times but the world knows about shifters and vampires. Our heroine works for an agency that deals with all things paranormal.
- Shiloh is tough and spunky. If you like your heroines to be independent and in charge, you will like Shiloh.
- Interesting plot! I found I liked the mystery of it all. Who is kidnapping supernaturals? Who is creating revenants? What is up with Shiloh and Vincent? What is up with Shiloh and Tennyson?
- This isn't a romance really. There is a boyfriend, and an ex-boyfriend but neither relationship is the focus of the story. I actually found it more enjoyable than I expected to not be reading a straight up romance.
Overall, the story was engaging and fast paced which kept me reading! My initial confusion was quickly passed but I found the ending to be a bit sudden. Stray Magic introduced me to a world that I found fascinating and am curious to see where the author takes the story from here. The blend of magic, mythology, and the paranormal made for a compelling read for sure.
- POV: 1st
- Tears: no
- Trope: vampires, shifters, magic
- Triggers: none
- Series/Standalone: stand alone
- Cliffhanger: Kind of; the main arc of the story is resolved but many things are left open for the next book
- HEA: this isn't really a romance story; by the end, I'm not sure that Shiloh is 'with' anyone anymore
Authors like Dannika Dark, Patricia Briggs, Ilona Andrews...then you will probably like Stray Magic!
See full review on The Book Disciple