Written on Jun 28, 2017
I don't even know where to start, since this is the final book I really want to avoid giving a lot away. The beginning of this book had me freaking out, I had no idea what direction it was going to go. I thought it was very well done, I liked how it all played out, I loved how it ended. The evil they thought they defeated in the last book is back and things are all different for Serafina, she needs her friends more than ever now. Serafina is such a strong character, she has a lot of spunk and even if she is a little unsure of the outcome she still goes in head first. She isn't afraid to make mistakes and seems to challenge herself a lot. She is a fantastic roll model for girls. Braeden has a lot of challenges to over come in this book, I loved seeing his growth. All the characters seemed to change and grow, I thought the build of these characters from start to finish was amazing. It was great to see them, sort of grow up. The world build is awesome, details and just the feel of some situations made you feel like you were standing side by side with the characters.
Overall this last book in the series was so well done and as much as I hated the series to end, I loved how it finished. I can't recommend this series enough for all ages. I am really looking forward to seeing what Robert Beatty has in store for us next.
Thanks Disney for sending these free products for me to review. All opinions are my own.
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Have a great day and Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Because reading is better than real life