Written on Sep 10, 2021
“On the one hand, you could say nothing happens, there is no plot, and on the other hand that everything in the book is driven by a single event, so fleetly mentioned as to be almost occult: ‘Sophia woke up and remembered that they had come back to the island and that she had a bed to herself because her mother was dead.’”
Kathryn Davis
What a lovely little book! I’m so glad I read this before summer was truly over; it truly captures summer’s feelings and little adventures. Sophia, her grandmother, and her father stay on a tiny island in a gulf of Finland for the summer. The book mostly explores the relationship between Sophia and her grandmother: their warm love, their fights, and everything in between that can occur when in a rather isolated place. Like Kathryn Davis said in the introduction, it could be argued that nothing actually happens, but so much is said, too.
I think I’ll be reading this over again many times on warm summer nights -- especially as I get older.
Kathryn Davis
What a lovely little book! I’m so glad I read this before summer was truly over; it truly captures summer’s feelings and little adventures. Sophia, her grandmother, and her father stay on a tiny island in a gulf of Finland for the summer. The book mostly explores the relationship between Sophia and her grandmother: their warm love, their fights, and everything in between that can occur when in a rather isolated place. Like Kathryn Davis said in the introduction, it could be argued that nothing actually happens, but so much is said, too.
I think I’ll be reading this over again many times on warm summer nights -- especially as I get older.