Written on Aug 12, 2014
I have pretty high expectations when it comes to a Ruthie Knox book. Every book that I have read of hers, I've loved and I haven't rated any of those books below a 4. Her writing totally works for me, I always enjoy the humor, the sexiness, the snark... I love all of it. Truly was no exception, I was equal parts turned on and amused. I'd like to call this one, "Seduction by angry beekeeper."
He was a farmer. In New York City. It figured, didn't it? Only May would leave Wisconsin behind, move to New Jersey, stumble her way into a total life meltdown, and then pick up a Wisconsin bee farmer to go home with.
May had a lot to learn about herself and what better place to do that than New York City? After finally giving in to the situation and her circumstances, May goes on quite a self discovery kind of journey, thanks to Ben's insistence to show her how incredible NYC can be. Despite forking (yes- forking) her NFL quarterback/ex boyfriend, her time in NYC had been unremarkable. May has been programmed to not step out of the little box she was convinced she belonged in until Ben came along. I really enjoyed how they completely lit each other up and challenged each other to face their own problems and have some smokin' hot sexytimes. Hubba, hubba.
Ben was so angry and his story was very interesting to me because he was so freaking angry with life. He was always working so hard to control and compartmentalize his anger. Talk about a work in progress! Ben though, really fell for May, just as she was. I think she always felt like she wasn't worthy of Dan (ex BF), she wasn't pretty enough, she was too tall, too heavy, too everything. Whereas, Ben saw her and was attracted to her in every way.
But he was a chef and there was kickass food and BEEKEEPING. I know, you're like..."what is your fricking deal with the beekeeping?" I love honey, especially local honey....it's a thing, what can I say? Oh and I want the recipe for "honey white-bean soup with ham"...it's in the book and I want that fracking recipe. I'll use local honey and maybe even local pork/ham if I get my hands on it.
I highlighted A LOT. Funny/hilarious passages and serious heartfelt passages and I'd love to share them all with you but ALAS, I cannot.
May's sister Allie is a hoot. She was a constant crack up and I really hope she is in the next book because cannot wait to read about her adventures in love. She needs an eye opening love filled adventure like May had with Ben. We will have to wait until January 6th for the next book in the New York series, to see who (hopefully Allie!) comes next. I can't wait :)