Truly by Ruthie Knox

Truly (New York, #1)

by Ruthie Knox


RITA finalist and New York Times bestselling author Ruthie Knox kicks off a steamy series set in the city that never sleeps—alone, at least.

May Fredericks hates New York. Which is fair enough, since New York seems to hate her back. After relocating to Manhattan from the Midwest to be with her long-distance boyfriend, NFL quarterback Thor Einarsson, May receives the world’s worst marriage proposal, stabs the jerk with a shrimp fork, and storms off alone—only to get mugged. Now she’s got no phone, no cash, and no friends. How’s a nice girl supposed to get back to safe, sensible Wisconsin?
Frankly, Ben Hausman couldn’t care less. Sure, it’s not every day he meets a genuine, down-to-earth woman like May—especially in a dive in the Village—but he’s recovering from an ugly divorce that cost him his restaurant. He wants to be left alone to start over and become a better man. Then again, playing the white knight to May’s sexy damsel in distress would be an excellent place to start—if only he can give her one very good reason to love New York.

Praise for Truly
“Knox writes such sultry, detailed romance. The sexual tension and the sex itself are very hot. . . . Highly recommend this story.”—Smexy Books
Truly is another Knox classic. Well written, heartwarming, sweet, super sexy with a dash of heartbreak and soul-searching, I devoured this fabulous story. . . . An absolutely fabulous read about two imperfect people . . . I can’t wait to see what Ruthie Knox will come up with next.”—The Brunette Librarian
“Knox is rapidly becoming my go-to author for excellent contemporary romance, providing all of the necessary components to a great read: accessible characters, solid plot, well-paced events and a whole lotta steam. And she delivers it all here. . . . Knox is amazingly talented at incorporating emotion with the physical that fairly sizzles with heat. I strongly encourage readers to immediately read this wonderful book.”—Pretty Sassy Cool
“Knox is an incredible writer. She has the gift of making ordinary people larger than life. She adds a special blend of humor, creative dialogue, unique characters, and an interesting plot with its own magical flare. . . . These two vastly different people will discover the magic of life, love, and happiness in a new way. . . . They will console each other about their past failures, cheer each other on, and find their chemistry is much more than sexual. . . . I highly recommend this book.”—Smut Book Junkie Book Reviews
“Well written and my favorite Ruthie Knox book to date, Truly is a powerful story and an amazing journey of self-discovery with a sexy love story thrown in for good measure!”—Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews
Truly is one of those stories that just got under my skin and into my heart. . . . It’s not just a romance, it’s a story of two people finding a new path at those crossroads in life we all have to face from time to time. And while the romance between Ben and May is hot and intimate, it is their individual discovery of the path into their future that really hit home with me. This was the story that made me a Ruthie Knox fan for life. If you haven’t read it, I wholeheartedly recommend it. The writing is top notch and the story is interesting, fast paced and has very unique characters.”—Red Hot + Blue Reads

Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars


I have pretty high expectations when it comes to a Ruthie Knox book.  Every book that I have read of hers, I've loved and I haven't rated any of those books below a 4.  Her writing totally works for me, I always enjoy the humor, the sexiness, the snark... I love all of it.  Truly was no exception, I was equal parts turned on and amused.  I'd like to call this one, "Seduction by angry beekeeper."
He was a farmer.  In New York City.  It figured, didn't it?  Only May would leave Wisconsin behind, move to New Jersey, stumble her way into a total life meltdown, and then pick up a Wisconsin bee farmer to go home with.

May had a lot to learn about herself and what better place to do that than New York City?  After finally giving in to the situation and her circumstances, May goes on quite a self discovery kind of journey, thanks to Ben's insistence to show her how incredible NYC can be.  Despite forking (yes- forking) her NFL quarterback/ex boyfriend, her time in NYC had been unremarkable.  May has been programmed to not step out of the little box she was convinced she belonged in until Ben came along.  I really enjoyed how they completely lit each other up and challenged each other to face their own problems and have some smokin' hot sexytimes.  Hubba, hubba.

Ben was so angry and his story was very interesting to me because he was so freaking angry with life.  He was always working so hard to control and compartmentalize his anger.  Talk about a work in progress!  Ben though, really fell for May, just as she was.  I think she always felt like she wasn't worthy of Dan (ex BF), she wasn't pretty enough, she was too tall, too heavy, too everything.  Whereas, Ben saw her and was attracted to her in every way.

But he was a chef and there was kickass food and BEEKEEPING.  I know, you're like..."what is your fricking deal with the beekeeping?"  I love honey, especially local's a thing, what can I say?  Oh and I want the recipe for "honey white-bean soup with ham"'s in the book and I want that fracking recipe.  I'll use local honey and maybe even local pork/ham if I get my hands on it.

I highlighted A LOT.  Funny/hilarious passages and serious heartfelt passages and I'd love to share them all with you but ALAS, I cannot.

May's sister Allie is a hoot.  She was a constant crack up and I really hope she is in the next book because  cannot wait to read about her adventures in love.  She needs an eye opening love filled adventure like May had with Ben.  We will have to wait until January 6th for the next book in the New York series, to see who (hopefully Allie!) comes next.  I can't wait :)

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  • 12 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 12 August, 2014: Reviewed