"The Good Byline follows Riley Ellison, a smart, quirky young heroine with Southern charm to boot. Riley feels adrift in her small hometown of Tuttle Corner, VA, newly single and bemoaning the decline of print journalism, which has dashed her long-held dream of succeeding her grandfather as an obituary writer at the local newspaper. When her childhood best friend commits suicide with no warning, Julie's grieving family asks Riley to write her obituary. As she investigates why such an ambitious young woman might want to end her life, Riley begins to consider that Julie may have actually been murdered. In the meantime, her love life becomes complicated when her ex -- Ryan -- returns to town just as things are heating up with a hot newcomer--who may have had something to do with Julie's death"--
- ISBN13 9781938849916
- Publish Date 11 April 2017 (first published 20 March 2017)
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country US
- Imprint Prospect Park Books
- Format Paperback (US Trade)
- Pages 280
- Language English