Written on Jan 27, 2015
Fast forward many years and I ended up doing something totally different and Tom Cruise completely ruined my Maverick fantasy by jumping on Oprah's couch and worshipping Xenu. Let's face it, Slider was waayyyy hotter anyway.
I digress. Sorry, I was reliving my childhood in a way and I guess, explaining my connection to this book. I like planes and military romance....so this book was a good fit for me. I was not disappointed and I loved that the main character was a woman and she was training to be a fighter pilot. But first, she had to get into the same plane that killed her brother. How daunting is that?
Then, let's add in having a one night stand with your super hot instructor, that you did not know was your instructor at the time of said one night stand. Um yeah. Then, let's add in that you're not supposed to have any kind of relationship with your instructor. You still with me?
Tinklee and Locke simply cannot stay away from each other. That's all there is to it. You'll have to engage in suspension of disbelief to get into their relationship and that's ok! We read books to experience something different, to get away from it all. For me, this book combined my childhood love of a movie and my adult love of contemporary romance! I really enjoyed reading about Tinklee, Locke, ASH, and the guys Tinklee was training with. Not to mention I loved meeting her family and friends.
Did I mention Ash? He literally jumps off of the page and demands your attention. He certainly added to the delightful man candy that this book is full of. As for Locke, I liked that he knew who Tinklee was, what made her tick and he just let her be herself. He didn't go all overprotective of her and act like a fool.
The moments when we are in the cockpit with Tinklee were well written and I felt like I was in there with her! I have to say that once I picked this one up, it was hard for me to put it down. It pushed all of my buttons, it was a funny, sexy as hell, and exciting read! I cannot wait to read more from this series and Ms. Rae.
10 Questions with Tinklee Pinkerton
1. What is your favorite word? Karma.
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This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews