Written on Mar 24, 2009
Receiving this book put me in a bit of a mood, because I ordered it from a swapping website and an ARC copy arrived. A few conversations and corrections later, the sender was extremely nice and apologetic and seemed thoroughly confused about it being an Advanced Reader Copy. Although I am even further confused how you cannot know that by the mostly white cover and the print "Advanced Reader Copy Not for sale" typed at the top and bottom of each page, but oh well, I got over it. Kinda. *wink*
Then, reading the synopsis on the back cover I was even a little more hesitant about reading this book. I just knew that I would not like it. The plot just lined up in a manner that I knew would make me angry.
Well. It took me a while to get through the first book. I read this one in two days. I could not put it down. I was right, I was angry. I was near to spitting nails and completely infuriated with the stupidity and arrogance and self centered... *rant rant rant* I was very upset with the way things turned out and were continuing to turn out. But then, that is the point is it not? Things will happen in our lives that we do not always agree with. We want to dictate to God what we want and how we want it to be. Even when he has something better in mind for the big picture, the stages of getting there are painful and not at all what we want to deal with.
Having finished this book, and in an attempt not to give anything away... I like the ending. It satisfied me. However, on one individual I still think they should have "fixed" a situation that was in their control once they had the power, but they did not and it had to be brought to a solution another way. It is true that it could definitely occur this way. And for these characters lives it did. That does not mean I have to like it. :)
I do recommend this read. I highly recommend that you read book #1 first, because then you will really understand the characters on a deeper level. But I encourage you to read it and share it.
Now.. I need more from Cathy Marie Hake.