I finished it. I mostly liked it. I didn't find it as funny as everyone keeps saying it is. Nor insightful. Maybe it didn't age well?
The victimization group really bugged me. It seems to work for a moment and then ridiculousness struck again. It just...rude and unfunny.
The ending came like all is well again, but hardly! There's now a baby in the mix! The aftermath! And the legalities of going missing and the media and the true crime journalists and fans and...it's just bullshit!
If these people were poor or non-white, they'd be trashy and gross instead of funny and insightful. Like Bridget Jones's Baby, FFS.
I haven't seen this movie and I was initally interested to see how they'd make it work with the format. Then I finished the book. In a rare case, I'd be willing to see movie Bernadette if they gave a fulfilling ending. Doesn't seem like the case from what I've found so, nevermind.