Written on May 23, 2015
"Yeah but there are always more, right? And he'd tell us we didn't have to survive the cause of something, like the earthquake, but the effect. What came
after was more about our character then if we were lucky enough to live through something bad."
A Matter of Days showed a terrifying situation that could happen in the future. I loved how instead of just the US being affected it was everywhere, and it wasn't just one person that caused it but, instead a virus.
For once there weren't any zombies which while it was a nice change. It also showed the reality of having to deal with seeing your neighbors, and other people in your town just lying there dead. It showed how much that Nadia and Rabbit both had to deal with, and it made me wonder several times how I would deal with being in this type of situation.
Nadia was a pretty good heroine. She wasn't the normal warrior type character. But instead she was real, she was very unsure of how to keep them alive, or what she should do in certain situations. She never wanted to have to be the hero, she just wanted to make it to Pappi's safe.
Rabbit was an interesting kid. One minute he was all survival informative, who knew how to read maps, siphon gas, cook full meals of out nothing, and then the next he was back to being the 11 year old boy that he was before the virus.
While Nadia and Rabbit did learn pretty early on not to trust much of anyone besides a fellow kid that they met named Zach. Who was a pretty incredible, character. Zach grew up the complete opposite of Nadia and because of that had a lot of street savvy skills that turned out to be pretty useful through the trip.
While there was a hint of romance between Zach and Nadia it wasn't enough to distract from the rest of the story.
I did like the ending, I just would have like more information. Did their Uncle's help save the important people of the government? Is there anyone else besides them close by? How will they survive in one place now? What will happen with Nadia and Zach? While I don't think these needs another book. It would have been nice to get a little more closure.
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