Written on Sep 2, 2016
Evie is an intense and fiercely devoted heroine, a girl who has survived The Infinity Project and now returning to the compound where change in policy is fermenting, a potential cure for the Stray mutation is on the horizon. This time Evie is unsure of who to trust.
Evie is a formidable character. She's tenacious but still remains charismatic and pragmatic. She's conflicted when it comes to Jamie and her controversial attraction to her fellow Shield in Jamie, her Aunt Miriam still remains silent on her enhanced bandwidth and being the child of a Synergist relationship ensures Evie's impeccable pedigree, hiding her true identity from Knox who will ensure Evie's life is never her own. Beyond the realm of The Infinity Project and their rigorous legislation, Shield also touches on Evie's basic freedoms of owning her own body as The Infinity Project determines approval for relationships and pregnancy.
Leader Knox is a fascist and his internal conflict with Ethan only fuelled the intensity throughout the storyline. Ethan is determined to protect Evie, especially while Miriam lies unresponsive. Evie's relationship with Ethan begins to develop, gently, tentatively and was lovely to experience. Ethan is integral to The Affinity Project, which often amplifies the tension placed upon his familial bonds.
The secondary characters were superb and so wonderfully written, Davis especially. Davis is a character who captivated my attention, his maturity and vulnerability was incredibly charming. Despite my previous animosity towards her character, Helena's character was wonderful and I've discovered a new found appreciation for who she is as an individual, furthermore to her connection with Jamie.
The romance.
Hot. The connection between Evie and Jamie is intense, sultry and incredibly awkward. Hilariously so. Jamie has an opportunity to deactivate and despite his own safety, wants nothing more than to share his life with Evie. Their friendship and tentative relationship throughout the series has been fiercely passionate while the physical aspects of their bond, tender and gratifying.
The greatest aspect of the Spark series is the writing. Rachael Craw has created an engaging and utterly captivating narrative. Evie is magnificent, maturing and adapting while allowing readers to share her journey of evolution and self discovery. The romance is achingly beautiful, the intimate scenes breathtaking.
Rachael Craw is an exceptional author and has crafted a sensational series that will enthral and enchant readers.
I love you, you brilliant woman.