Written on Dec 13, 2011
The answer to that is quite simple. Massive destruction of apocalyptic proportions. Every footstep will cause a tsunami. A sigh turns into a whirlwind. And not to mention satisfying a giant's hunger...
What I liked about Enormity are the epic proportions of the story. Every single detail is considered, and consequently clarified. By this I mean that ever aspect of the giants life is explored. From his dander to his sweat, his bacteria, to the effects of his movements and voice.
What I didn't like that much was that at times there was an information overload. Especially when talking about political situations or the different divisions in the army, it just went past me. More often than not I had no idea what they were on about, so I just started skipping these parts. Luckily it doesn't matter that much for the story, but I would like to have a little more explanation at times.
At times the story was pretty gross (especially when it involved giant bodily fluids) but it was an interesting and engaging read. The characters all had their distinct personalities. They might not all be that likeable, but they are understandable. If the premise interests you, be sure to check Enormity out!
ARC received through Netgalley, will be published February 2nd.