Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading
In this world vampires rule and are affluent while humans live in constant state of poverty and fighting hard to survive. Corruption was rampant among the vampire hierarchy and they rule the human population with a heavy hand.
The story introduced Reyna Carpenter one of the many humans struggling to make ends meet. She dreams of going to college but does not have the means to do so. Unable to get a job, she depends on her brothers to support her. Her brothers are struggling as well and so she felt she had no choice but to sign to work for Visage to become a blood escort. Being a blood escort meant temporary placement with a vampire who will feed on her whenever he desired. However, on entering the program she was selected for a special project where she would be permanently paired with a vampire. She would be paired with the powerful and enigmatic Beckham Anderson.
Reyna found herself in a situation, which she did not understand and so she had a lot of questions. However, there were times I wished she would exercise wisdom and hold her tongue. I found her actions somewhat annoying and I lauded Beckham for his patience. Despite this I admired her strength and caring attitude.
There was more to Beckham than meets the eye. His character was shrouded in secrecy. I admired his self-control, which came under threat when Reyna entered his life. Figuring out his agenda proved a challenge, however as the story progressed his motives were revealed.
There was a lot happening in the story to keep me on my toes. There were quite a few twists, some of which I saw coming and some that bowled me over.
The romance between Beckham and Reyna took a while to build up. There was a lot of push and pull that I began wondering if they would get together.
This installment left me with several unanswered questions, which will more than likely be addressed in the sequels.
I enjoyed this installment and I am looking forward to picking up the next book. I would definitely recommend this to fans of paranormal romance.
Caitlin Elizabeth did an okay job with the narration. It was my first time listening to her. The voices were not distinguishable, except for the character with the French accent. I found her voice to be pleasant, which made it easy to listen to the book.