Amber (The Literary Phoenix)
Written on Jan 29, 2019
I was hesitant about reading Midnight at the Electric, because I'm in the minority who didn't enjoy Jodi Lynn Anderson's much beloved Tiger Lily. Still, the cover got me and I put it on my TBR a couple years ago, thinking I'd try it and see how it went. I'm absolutely thrilled I did, because I loved this book.
Midnight at the Electric is a quick read, ranging across a century and told in the voice of three different readers. The characters are strong and each has her own strong voice. I'm also impressed by the side characters, who are all well developed and interesting. The love stories, friendship, and family relationships are all different and well explored in this brief, varied format. The book is beautifully written, but it's not so fluffy that it distracts from the story. It is paced well enough to keep the reader from getting bored, and it's a good length for the story it's telling.
I'm really glad I decided to pick this one up. I really enjoyed meeting Lenore, Catherine, and Adri, and it's a book I would read again.