Written on Nov 16, 2012
“Don’t say what you would or wouldn’t do, honey. Cause one day you might have to.”
I loved Sam most. And of course Fay, sweet Fay.
First read December 2011
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November 2012:
I thought it was Jewel and Mary and Virgil of Father and Son who would stick with me so vividly this year, but no. It’s Sam and Fay. Brown wrote this himself when Fay wouldn’t let him alone, when he couldn’t stop thinking what happened to her after Joe. It shows. It bleeds right through the page, that affection-without-pity. Powerful and contagious.
And the second time through it’s even more tremendous, how simply and fully Sam and Fay are brought to real life. I dare you to even try to judge people the same way after this one. It’s one of the several contributors, why I barely have any tolerance left for the people in books who only say and do and think the right things and think that makes them good.
We sabotaged a whole factory of magic eight balls so they only tell the truth, was the Softer World strip the other day. We are all fucked, and we are all saved.
And like a hundred other things in the course of a week I thought, Fay.