Sarah Says
Written on Apr 15, 2016
The only negative thing I have to say about this book is that while the pictures are extremely beautiful, they weren’t vibrant enough for me. I remember Wonderland as an over the top adventure land filled with ridiculousness and flamboyant colors.The copy I own of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a penguin classic, text only. So I assume I just imagined everything to be super bright and colorful. I found myself thinking; is it because of the movie adaptions that I assumed it was a bright and colorful world? At the back of this book there is an interview with the authors talking about how they purposely used original Alice illustrations as references. Oops, my imagination was off.
I love Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, but felt like Though The Looking Glass wasn’t quite as good. I don’t think that’s because of the adaptation, I think that is because of the original. Admittedly I’ve never read Though The Looking Glass, but I’ve read in multiple reviews that it doesn’t stand out like the first book and that it’s a little bit darker and even stranger. I do intent to read the original Through The Looking Glass one day.
I think this edition would be a wonderful way to introduce someone to Alice in the written word and for anyone who wants to enjoy Wonderland without the long poetry pieces.