Written on Feb 2, 2016
I have to say that I am really impressed there is a teen mom in the book. I know it says it in the synopsis but I sometimes don’t reread those before I start reading. I was actually thinking about it the other day when I was walking in the halls of the high school that it’s nothing that comes up as much as I sometimes think it should. I was glad that they were able to portray Karma’s struggle with being a mom, being a teen and dealing with her daughter's father.
Karma has been shot with an arrow from cupid, her boyfriend Danny has not. Thus a great contrast in their feelings for eachother. Even though the reason for Karma to be stuck in this situation is the arrow, I’ve known girls who have been in similar situations. Where they put up with more than they need to for the name of love or because they want a family for their kids. I’ve felt like Peyton does where you don’t want to push your friend away by telling them their significant other sucks. You really want them to be happy. Arrows definitely captures all these angles and perspectives.
Aaryn is the a cupid who gets sent down to the mortal realm in order to fix his mistake. He has the right balance of confusion and understanding. He has observed humans his whole life so he’s not completely in the dark about how they interact but certain sayings and slang he’s oblivious too. He’s a genuinely good guy with a sense of humor.
The plot is so fast paced, you could easily read this in one night. The only thing that I was kind of unhappy with was the ending. I felt like I needed a little more about someone got from point a to point b. It felt like it could have added a couple chapters for that.
The romance is cute and also kind of interesting because you know that Karma's chained to Danny in a way. So she has a definite road block up, it’s interesting to see how it plays out when they are fighting against a current.
I really liked this book and it’s definitely a quick unique read. I wish the ending had a little bit more but I did enjoy that plot and the characters. So I say pick it up if you are looking for a little unique romance.