Written on Jun 14, 2016
This is my first novel by Divakaruni, but I doubt it will be my last. Her writing is excellent! She pours so much life into her characters, and I always love to see an author who isn’t afraid to show the effects the past can have on not just one person but those around them and how all events are seen differently by each person involved. It’s like a lesson in human nature. Sabitri, Bela (her daughter), and Tara (her granddaughter), all go through similar but wholly unique journeys that lead them through mistakes, separation, and eventual peace. Their individual stories are told in a non-linear fashion that pulls things back piece by piece and not only uses sort of progression in time, but also relies heavily on memories. I think Bela is probably my favorite of three, she goes through some pretty rough times but seeing her be able to turn her life around and put it in a new place where she could truly enjoy herself was so worth all the pain in my heart that it caused. There are even a few chapters devoted to other people in their life, as their importance is revealed their the story of their meeting. They become friends, confidants, and symbols of the moments that changed their lives. Their Indian culture and familial history can be seen as a character all on it’s own, and how each of these three women have very different relationships with it.
It is on the shorter side, but I really felt that even with a few chapters each that Divakaruni covered a lot of ground and really managed to add a ton of depth to the story. The combination of rich characters and relationship, along with the really excellent and unique writing style really pulled together to make a lovely book. It’s every bit heart warming as it is heart wrenching, and it’s certainly one that will stick with me for a long while.