Written on Nov 15, 2018
That said, I found it really incredible and sad, that the events and issues explored in this book are still in the forefront today. The book focuses largely on body image, but there was also a date rape subplot, which had a huge impact on Virginia.
I was a fat kid, thin teen and twenty-something, but have struggled with my weight as I got older, so I related to Virginia in so many ways. I felt all those feelings, and thought all those things. I understood where she was coming from, and thought her portrayal was very realistic. Therefore, I cheered with each positive step she took. I was excited when she spoke up for herself. I loved being part of her journey, and even though it wasn't complete, she made a great deal of progress.
Her family also undergoes some big changes, and that was also where I saw a lot of growth in Virginia. Her brother fell from the pedestal she set him upon, and she sort of started to notice all his cracks, that were there well before. She also began to call her father out on his behaviors, and it's not like he did an about face, but at least she made her point of view known. Her family was a work in progress, and still need time for all the changes they need to undergo.
I don't know. I feel like a black sheep, because I liked this book. As someone, who struggle with my weight and disordered eating, I related to Virginia, and I enjoyed seeing her find her power.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.