Amber (The Literary Phoenix)
Written on Jul 24, 2017
You know what else is cool? This is a solid middle grade dystopia. The kids were pretty believable for their ages, except maybe Poppy who seems vaguely between ages one and three, and despite its simplicity I found it entertaining. Unraveling the puzzle is fun, and I like not always being right about things. And I liked that nobody tried to throw a romantic relationship in here, because srsly they have enough troubles. If people are shipping Lina/Doon, just stop. Pre-teen angst not needed.
Which brings me to... the end. I wasn't ready for it. I actually shouted at my car radio because clearly, the narrator had forgotten to finish reading the chapter and there was more.
All in all, a great start to a series, a great (simple) dystopian idea, and enjoyable for all ages. Huzzah!