Written on Jun 11, 2015
- First Date: Hayley introduces us to Lauren Hastings an outspoken, snarky twenty-six year old who is completing her master’s degree in psychology. A night out with her best friends lands Lauren in a...
Coffee dates with The Best Medicine
Caffeinated thoughts on my dates with The Best Medicine: What a fun ride Hayley gave me. I adored this couple and appreciated how their relationship unfolded. The ending wrapped up nicely and has me eager for Just Say Yes, Quinn's story.
Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer
- First Date: Hayley introduces us to Lauren Hastings an outspoken, snarky twenty-six year old who is completing her master’s degree in psychology. A night out with her best friends lands Lauren in a bit of trouble forcing her to accept a part time job for a doctor at Trinity Hospital. Right away, I like Lauren. She has spunk, a good sense of humor and the events that unfolded have me worried that this girl has the worst luck.
- Second date: Hello Doctor Yummy. *wipes drool* I mean hello Dr. Scott Jacobs. Scott fast-tracked through college and medical school and has taken over his deceased father’s practice. The man oozes confidence and charm. Sure, he has commitment issues, but I have no problem admiring the view. The sparks are zinging around the office and poor Scott is at a loss for words. The wicked banter and one-line zingers have me eager to see these two tango. An arrangement of sorts develops and while I can see the writing on the wall, I am all in. Hold on to your book dear reader as things are about to get heated.
- Third date: Despite the intense heat Hayley allows a friendship to grow, pushing both characters past the boundaries they have set. We get to learn about their friends and family giving the story depth. Hayley fleshes out both Scott and Lauren exposing the real reasons behind their commitment issues and allows them to share personal experiences. Their stories were genuine and this late date was filled with a little angst and some of the sweetest, swoon worthy moments.
Caffeinated thoughts on my dates with The Best Medicine: What a fun ride Hayley gave me. I adored this couple and appreciated how their relationship unfolded. The ending wrapped up nicely and has me eager for Just Say Yes, Quinn's story.
Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer