Written on Feb 26, 2016
* Evie was great throughout. Gavin was as well, but I've got some questions still. Macie though me for a loop but it was understood later. The scene where they are standing there doing nothing made me angry but I see why now and am not that upset over it.
* With a bit more, it could really be a horror story, at least the last part. But the descriptions weren't there for me on the gruesome bits and there wasn't enough atmosphere, or the right kind at least. It was jarring between my expectations, feelings, and the content. Add in the characters repeated reference to it being a nightmare horror tale without it reaching that level for me, and I just kept feeling like something was off.
* Great ending, wrapped up the tight story arc. A follow up with what happens to Elysium would probably be cool, but hardly necessary. I like the tone, feel, and path.
* Part of me wants to say Evie's twist is partly a cop out from the consequences but really it makes perfect sense, and I'm sure after these new hurdles, the obvious ones will reappear. If not, it's still enough to know they didn't get off scot free. But there's a nagging suspicion that I'm forgetting/ missing something.
* I like the building creepy suspense mystery in the beginning. on point. If that kept ramping up through the climax, I think it would've been terrific. But that's not possible since we found out more. Which left the tone and atmosphere holding the bag and failing to do so.
* Great action scenes. Glad to see them having to stop for human needs. Makes the chase sections realistic, didn't shatter my suspension of disbelief, and the Villian one BAMF.
* World building was strictly what was necessary, but it worked. And I'm not dying with curiosity, frustration, and wondering about plot holes or sequels. It feels complete and satisfying.