Mystereity Reviews
Written on Dec 2, 2014
I can honestly say, if this was the first book in the series, I wouldn't have picked up the second one. Predictable, transparent and unsatisfying. Tempe is long on book smarts but short on street smarts - and common sense. (show spoiler)[Could you please delight everyone at a dinner party about the gory details of the murder you're working? Working a criminal case? Please, answer all of the questions the nosy reporter asks you about it. Working with a task force that requires secrecy? Please, tell you nephew the aspiring biker all about it. 3/4 of this book had me asking What. The. F**k. Is. Wrong. With. You?
And just why the hell do they keep calling in an anthropologist to fresh crime scenes?]
And just why the hell do they keep calling in an anthropologist to fresh crime scenes?]